5 things we should know in C# 10

In C# 10, I have found these 5 features useful to write code prettier and faster.

Constant interpolated strings

String interpolation introduced in C# 6, it made our job easy by providing the simplified and convenient way to apply formatting in to a string.

An interpolated string is usually a combination of strings and an expression. On the run time, the expression is executed and the resultant string value will be added in the placeholder.

But there is a limitation, we cannot interpolate the constant string but it is allowed in C# 10.

const string Name = "World";
const string Greeting = $"Hello {Name}";

Extended property patterns

Extended Property Patterns help us to improve the readability of code in accessing the child property from the parent property. Prior to C#10, child property were inaccessible at the same level as it involves nested level.

C# 8

{ParentProperty: { ChildProperty: Value}}

C# 10

{ParentProperty.ChildProperty: Value}

Global using

Global Using allows us to declare namespace/directive globally and it will available to all the files in the application. It helps us to declutter the code and keep it clean by prevent the duplication of declare same namespace in multiple classes/files. So we can put commonly used libraries and namespaces in one file and used across our project.

For example

global using system;

We don’t want to explicitly declare the above namespace in any file its needed and it can be declared in the common file.

File scoped namespace

File scoped namespace allows to declare a namespace for a entire file. After the namespace, we can declare and define the following types : Class, Struct, Delegate, Enum and Interface.

In earlier versions

namespace App
  public class MyApp

In C# 10

namespace App;
public class MyApp

It limits to allow only one namespace per file. It is used to simplify the boilerplate code.

ASSIGNMENT and declaration in the same deconstruction

In earlier version of C#, it allows to assign value to existing variable or declare new variable in the deconstruction but we can’t do both at the same time . In C#10, this restriction has been overcome and we can declare both in the single deconstruction.

Before C# 10

// Declare new variable
(string name, string email) = var customer;

// Assign value to existing variable
string name;
string email;
(name, email) = customer;

In C# 10

// Allows both new variable declaration and assign to existing variable

string name;
(name, string email) = customer;

OTHER C#10 Improvements

  • Lambda Expression : Lambda expressions are more similar to methods and local functions. They can have a natural type and also apply attributes to lambda expressions.
var lambda = [DebuggerStepThrough]() => "Hello World";
  • Structure Type: struct types can have parameterless constructor and intialise the instance field or property at its declaration
public struct Customer
  // Parameterless constructor with property intialization
  public Customer()
     Name = "Smith";
  // Initialization of the property at its declaration
  public string Name { get; set; } = "Mike";
  • Null Checking: Simplifies the null check and throw error in a single liner.

In early version

string name;
if (name is null)
  throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

In C# 10


There are lot more features released in C# 10 but found the above features to make our code more readable and productive.

Happy C’Sharping 🙂